How come my work crush seemed so lackluster when he answered my question but just now he told me enjoy my lunch break? Isn’t that contradictory?

My crush at work was so lackluster when he answered my question when I asked for help with something

With other people he projects his voice and stuff. Today I finally had a reason to ask for help from him and I could barely hear him when he spoke. I really think he dislikes me now or something. Maybe he changed his kind drastically about me or is lowkey a misogynist? Cause before he was smiling and looking long at me. Now it’s a total change. It’s weird as fudgecakes

but then now he saw me going to lunch and he said enjoy. It was totally unnecessary for him to say that. I’m so confused now.

How come my work crush seemed so lackluster when he answered my question but just now he told me enjoy my lunch break? Isn’t that contradictory?
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