Am I over reacting?

My fiance is getting a second hand car , and we have been discussing about that... he said that the car he liked was 12 year old... so i was telling him to go for a much recent one's and to rethink his decision... we have been talking this for quite sometime and i understood he was going to buy the car no matter what... so at one point i told him , its about him so i dont want to bother any longer giving my opinion... but he would still discuss about this... so when it again came up i was telling him about the troubles a old car would cause.. to this he replied since am not putting in any money... i shouldn't have an opinion about it.. i was taken back by the way he responded this... am qyite actually rethinking about what kind of a perosn he really is... am i over reacting or is it okay of me to feel disturbed by this? i feel it to be a disrespect , is it or is it not?

Am I over reacting?
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