Guys, What's the big deal?

Guys, Whats the big deal?
A friend and I were chatting yesterday about how much more tortured guys seem to be about trying not to stare at "a nice rack" today than they were about avoiding the medieval torture rack... And, both being women, we wondered precisely why boobs are so unabashedly attractive to you lot. I mean, aesthetically, ok, I get the whole appeal of a bouncy curve here and there... it's feminine and all that. However I've literally seen guys loose their ability to think logically just because a woman leans over a little too much or has a little bit of a jiggle in her walk... So what's the big draw for you?

I'd get it if it was just a sexual thing, but clearly there's more to it. So have at it... (Keep the comments as clean as possible. I'm not asking for a diary entry about what gets you off, just your honest opinion about what the big draw is.)
Guys, What's the big deal?
Post Opinion