Should I reach out to the woman who I suspect my man of cheating with?

I confronted my man about a woman’s number he is constantly calling and vice versa for the past week. I find out because he left an old iPhone at my apt and as I was cleaning I stumbled upon it and unknowingly thinking it was one of my old phones. When I turned it on, it was my man and the call logs popped up. Constant calling back and forth at various times of the day which is extremely inappropriate when you have a girl. Before I confronted him and he was on his way to my apt, it showed in the phone he deleted the name and blocked the number smh. When I finally confronted him he stated it was someone he met in passing before we got into a relationship and they were catching up about life. I told him I need confirmation and he stated he deleted the number because it was unnecessary to keep. I asked him if he’d be ok if I did the same thing he said no and he won’t be reaching out to her again. I don’t have a problem with him having female friends but this is way too suspicious. When he left I looked at the phone at night and he unblocked the number and re-saved it. My boyfriend has never did anything suspicious that I’ve seen and this caught me off guard. I’m so pissed off because we had an hour long convo and I thought we came to some clarity. I am on the verge of contacting the woman and seeing if this is a completely innocent situation. Should I or not? How should I handle it?

Should I reach out to the woman who I suspect my man of cheating with?
Post Opinion