Am I wrong for telling my boyfriend to go f**k himself?

I was asking my boyfriend an opinion on a dress I wanted to wear at a party, and he thought it was too figure hugging , but when I told him my parents would be with me, he agreed but warned me to stay away from creepy guys and tell them I have a boyfriend. He then started going on a rant about how I'm ashamed of accepting him as his boyfriend and that my friends said he looks average so that affected me in some way, all of which were very very wrong. I then told him to stop accusing me of things I never did or said, and he then said it wasn't an accusation as it wasn't said in a harsh tone. I then told him that he'll never apologize for being a dick and told him to go fuck himself, and he told me to stop using harsh language. I then told him that he's promised me multiple times that he'll stop with all this passive aggressive bs (yes, this isn't the first time he's done it) but he keeps on breaking them just because he's a self loathing person and expects me to be both his girlfriend and therapist. Was I too much?

7 d
Edit : Forgot to add that after I yelled at him, he became pretty upset and didn't like that I said I'd eventually leave him if all this continued. Did I overreact?
Am I wrong for telling my boyfriend to go f**k himself?
Post Opinion