Why does my boyfriend make me out to be a hater?

Couldn’t think of a good title but this is kinda the situation I’m in. In the past, I’ve told my boyfriend that I don’t like when my partner plays video games for hours on end and ignores me in the process. Just something I had bad experience with. Tonight, I called him (because we usually talk for a while before bed) and he told me he’s in his “gaming era” so he wants to play his game. I was of course a little disappointed but I said “it’s okay, enjoy your game” with no sarcasm because I want him to be happy and do the things he loves even if I feel a little down that we can’t talk before bed. He got upset and started saying how he never gets a chance to do this and kept pestering me about why I’m upset with him doing this. I told him it’s fine and that it’s not my job to control him. Is he trying to make me out to be a bad person? Besides the comment I made months ago about not liking the gaming behavior, I don’t think I gave off the vibe that I was terribly upset. I need the male perspective because I’m confused lol.

Why does my boyfriend make me out to be a hater?
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