I have pushed a guy away. Please advise if I should try to reach out to him?


Me and this guy matched on hinge. We talked for a month, shared social media.

It was all good, he's very sweet but the he sent me a shirtless photo.

I did not react well saying that he got a wrong idea.

He apologised and seemed sincere.

My anxiety overcame me. I was dcared that he's only after sex and kept asking him several times if he's looking for a hookup. He kept saying no and seemed sincere

After about 5th time I asked he blocked me.

Which I understand but it was not that I wasn't attracted to him or wanted to get to know him. My anxiety over came me and now he's gone.

If I asked ny friend to message him I guess that would be me not respecting his boundaries?

I have pushed a guy away. Please advise if I should try to reach out to him?
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