He said I’m powerful?

I met up with a guy to hang out and have sex. (No strings attached)
We were talking and hugging, he wanted me to sit in his lap/put my legs in him, etc.
It was good and I enjoyed the holding affection.
The very first time I held him it was from behind and he said that it made him feel like a “king”. He laid back onto me and looked at the sky and was talking. He said she should just shut up and enjoy it. Every time I held him especially from behind he kept saying that I’m powerful and that when I held him I gave him power.
He was acting all energetic and happy and he said my holding did that to him. He said he really needed those hugs and we was calling to Jesus when I was giving him head and said “I can’t believe my life right now”
Plus he kept talking about my “good energy” and asking if I do rituals when I was looking at his hands. He was asking me if I do magic and if I want to meditate with a spiritual person. He has a Jesus pendant and invited me to church.
Basically he was acting like making out with me and having sex made him feel powerful. The whole time he kept telling me that I’m “ so powerful” and he felt charged from me holding him and he needed that.
What does this mean?
8 d
*he said he should shut up and enjoy it
He said I’m powerful?
Post Opinion