Why do some women post more than men do about the relationship?

Just an example;
Someone is into the gym stuff, he posts more about the gym and what he accomplished but never says "my girlfriend achieved..." Just simple " achieved..".. But when you see her posts she compliments him and says "my man". It's like 2 different worlds. And most of their posts are not that girlfriend boyfriend stuff more like posing together that's it. Or when she says 'happy life happy wife" when he never said something like that in his post; like it's just business. While they do a lot together and seem happy. But he always films what they do, films her too and where they are. Or that the other reacts with text and the other one just with a heart and smiley. I heard this from a friend and I'm just curious why the other is more excited than the other one about some parts.
Why do some women post more than men do about the relationship?
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