Why would people flirt , gossip and try every ways to hurt someone s feeling in workplace?

i ve been working in this company for around a year. When i first got here there s a guy (i would call him A) in finance department, a manager, and the boss s brother.

The other co workers would try persuading me to date A, made it sounds like A likes me. A did threw hints.

but i dont think i can date people from my workplace. It might turn into nightmares… or people would make fun of me.

I ignored them for half year.
Then they started calling me arrogant / waiting for people to chase.

The gossip went on and off. i was mentally stressed.

They would send me pic of him talking to another girl , told me to make a move or else it will be too late.

Weeks ago, A officially started dating a girl. He shared everything about her in the office. He usually in his room but now he would go out and share in open areas /even in conference. Her pics , videos , what she likes , what she doesn't like.
I feel worse because they once compare her to me.

and the others would put pressure on me like it s weird that i m still single.
What would u do if u were me?
Why would people try to make workplace toxic? What s the purpose of that?
i feel like no matter what i did rumour goes on

Why would people flirt , gossip and try every ways to hurt someone s feeling in workplace?
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