How does he feel about me?

We’ve been on and off for almost a year and a half now. He lives outside of the city during the year so I don’t get to see him much. We have a lot of history together. We stopped talking for about 5 months during the year and the summer came around and we ran into each other at the club and kinda started talking again. He asked me if I wanted to chill a couple times but never really pulled through. I’d ask him to chill and he’d answer things like up to u. Like what? Finally I texted him and I was like listen if u don’t want to chill I don’t really care but just tell me you know. I’m not tying to have a pen pal. And he answered word for word “ I want to hang but I just want to hurt you u know” I genuinely didn’t understand what this meant I don’t understand what he wants from me and why he plays so many games. I answered that it was one of the weirdest things I’ve ever heard 🤣 he got defensive immediately lol and we kinda like fake fought and he rnred me. And we haven’t spoken since it’s been like a day. What do u guys think he wants from me and what do u think I should do?
How does he feel about me?
Post Opinion