What type of man goes after not just sex but also money?

Inspired by the question regarding if men mainly use a woman for sex, I think I've encountered a different, strange breed. Supposedly once they use a woman for sex, they're gone but this wasn't my case. My first ex boyfriend went further than just sex.

This is all he took from me:

Bonding, friendship, relationship, sex and MONEY I never got back. Scammed by not just any man nor one of those Nigerian scammers.. he was my boyfriend. Then one time he kept asking how much my grandma pays for her rent or how much does my father gets paid for his properties. Lastly, he once suggested me to later on start researching about my father's living will. So apparently sex wasn't enough.

Obviously I'm in a happy stage right now but do more of those men like that exist? Someone like him isn't just your average player. What type of man goes after both sex and money?

7 d
My mother said men like that actually always existed too but they're not in the majority. Most users would just get sex and leave. He went much further than that.
What type of man goes after not just sex but also money?
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