Reposting.. am I overthinking?

At work, one of my students father will always find a way to make conversation even to the point he pulled up to my car ( in the parking lot) just to make a pointless conversation about my daughter being in the front seat lol then some days ago he asked me if I needed help carrying MY children in the school!! never seen parents ask us teachers for help like that.. Not sure is he’s flirting or just being friendly not to mention he’s married!! Fast forward to this week I noticed he stares at me A-LOT (every time he drops his kids off), when he was sitting in his car I saw him staring HARD (I saw him in the corner of my eye) if there’s other teachers in the class he would only talk to me and make direct eye contact and also linger around.. I need a man point of view because this is a lot lol
Reposting.. am I overthinking?
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