Why has my male friend ghosted me now that he’s in a friends with benefits relationship?

My best friend met a woman that’s 63 years old at work and he’s 36. She has lie to him about a lot of things and when me and he’s cousin told him she’s a walking red flag he told us “ I’m still going to be with her”. She told him she wants a pretend relationship and he just wants sex so they agreed to be friends with benefits pretending to be dating, it’s been a month and all they do is talk on the phone. He stopped texting, calling me and told me “ I have two jobs and woman now so let’s see when I have time to hang out” we only spend time together because our families are close other than that we don’t have contact after he said “ he told her that he has a family friend he met before her and he told me he’s not giving up our friendship because I been a good friend to him.”He has changed a lot since he stared spending more time with this woman and when I told him he answer me “ wherever” I think she has him on a leash because she’s demanding, needy, possessive and is always near him specially if there’s girls and he can’t get text because she’s asking him questions. He’s cousin says to not give up on him that she’s just for the mean time but I’m really hurt with he’s actions and words and he think he didn’t do anything wrong.

Why has my male friend ghosted me now that he’s in a friends with benefits relationship?
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