Is this normal behavior from a male friend?

I have a guy friend, i recently started to date someone and i told him about it. I know he is talking to a girl as well but it's not as serious for them as it is for me since i am in a committed relationship with my boyfriend and they have just started to see each other. My problem is, i didn't tell him so much details about my relationship i only told him the main information if we are together or not and answered the questions he asked about my boyfriend. So i made sure i didn't rub my relationship in his face and only answered him things he was curious about. Even with this effort of me being cool about it and him having a girl which i support and i listened to all kinds of stories about this girl he told me about, he still pulled away from me. If i text him he answers quickly and he is enthusiastic about the conversation, he keeps it going, but never reaches out first anymore. He used to want to talk to me all the time and since i had a boyfriend it stopped. Just because i have someone it doesn't mean i don't care about my friends. Is this natural for a guy or what is his problem? Could it be that he is not reaching out because he is afraid my boyfriend wouldn't like it? Although he has no problem with my friendship and i don't want to lose this friend. I stopped reaching out because i am waiting for him to initiate and it's been 5 days. I start to get worried but i will not text him. If this is how our friendship ends then it's his choice. I just want to understand what thoughts are in his mind? If he reaches out what is the right way to ask him the reason why he took a step back from me without making him mad?

Is this normal behavior from a male friend?
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