Confused about my crush’s behaviour, why is he acting like this?

Hey, so i’ve been crushing on this man for about a year and a half now, he is my type physically and mentally, but the thing is we only met once in our life, chatted a bit irl and never met since cuz he studies abroads, we quite literally talk every single day via messages, and when a day passes without a conversation, he reachs out and says “i miss you” and “the day that passed seemed weird since u didn't reach out” so i started to suspect that maybe he share the same feelings as me.

Yesterday we had a conversation about marriage, it was just a cute fun conversation about how both of us could marry each other if we couldnt find the one by reaching 27 and it was mainly for fun nothing serious cuz he jokes in a flirty way a lot, but that night he spoke to me seriously and said “i feel like you’re hinting for something, and i want to say i have feelings for you, but i dont know if i like you or not” which left me in a very weird position, i really dont know what to do, is that a red flag, or is he considering me friends with benefits.. i really don’t understand.

Confused about my crush’s behaviour, why is he acting like this?
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