Is the feeling mutual from him, does he like me in a romantic way?

He once told me, “you are super positive and cheery and i never know what is gonna come out of your mouth it makes me laugh,” and then he hesitated and was like quick to add, “but not in a bad way!” and one day him and i teased each other the whole day. and it was him, me, and another guy. my crush, who we will call C. C and i stuck to each other like glue and kept making jokes bath and forth while the other guy was busy trying to do something else. and all of a sudden C gives a dad joke and he saw that i was a little confused so he got a little nervous. and when the 3 of us were in the car i was in the passenger side and C was driving. C asks what music he should put on which made me surprised. He always laughs and smiled at me of the smallest things i do like how i react or respond. but not in a bad way. like for example i would have rootbeer and a cookie and he would make a comment about that. and one time i needed his help so i said “i’m sorry for bothering you but-“ and he turned and looked concerned and was like “bothering me?” and sometimes i don’t ask for help even when he offers (which is quite a bit and does small things without me asking but it’s bare minimum like holding the door) but when i do ask for help he rushes to help. it feels like it’s mutual chemistry because i don’t see him smiling or saying compliments like he did to anybody else. can anyone help me out? i also noticed him and i always stand super close to each other when we talk

Is the feeling mutual from him, does he like me in a romantic way?
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