If you saw a guy being completely disrespected by someone right in front of you but not responding to it what would you think about him?

So you are out somewhere and happen to witness a little exchange between two guys. one dude is completely disrespecting the other calling him derogatory names, and the other guy is not responding to it at all. and remains silent AND walking away.

What would you think about the guy not responding to the other dude disrespecting him?

If you saw a guy being completely disrespected by someone right in front of you but not responding to it what would you think about him?
Good for him for not sinking to their level
He's a pushover, not standing up for himself!
I'd think something else (what would you be thinking of the guy?)
I wouldn't think anything
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If you saw a guy being completely disrespected by someone right in front of you but not responding to it what would you think about him?
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