Why a 50+ guy still thinks he can have any 20+ chippy he wants?

I work with a 52yo guy who is so vain he takes at least 20 selfies a day to post to his dating app profiles, yet he doesn’t even know how to set his hair — literally suffocates his hair with globs of gel and uses really bad home-card due rather than to let his salt-and-pepper shine through, etc. (Yikes what a look.)

Yesterday he reveals his look is designed to attract his future Mrs. and I did a really genuine double take bc (1) none of the women I know would be attracted to a guy who looks and acts like Fred Rogers (creator and host of Mr Rogers Neighborhood), (2) none of the very spelt women I know in their 20s would want a lanky old bear-bellied guy whose main interest in them would be to marry and make babies from now to kingdom come…

Meanwhile, he treats women his age really poorly for no other reason than that they’re not breeding material. (Even me, and we’re actually on friendly terms with each other, but I find a lot of what he says and does either offensive or just plain ridiculous.)

Anyway, to help him out I shoved a few catalogues his way and offered to burn his horrible blah sweater and fling his hair gel gun into the ocean to be swept away for all eternity. But otherwise I’m not inclined to offer any guidance because he’s basically a “dirty old man” type literally trying to camouflage his age to get a young choppy to breed. Period.

So tell me, guys, what makes a socially awkward, stylistically-challenged guy think he can just go out and find Mrs 20-Something rather than just dating someone closer to his age?
Why a 50+ guy still thinks he can have any 20+ chippy he wants?
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