Does he like me or is he acting like normal friends?

so I have a crush on a guy in class and I used to make a lot of eye contact with him and he would catch me staring at him in class , so we had A LOT of eye contact for a while , but it kinda felt like " let me see if she's looking at me " kind of contact , like when ur curious if someone is looking at u , anw , he jokes around me a lot but im just shy around him so I act like im annoyed , asks me about my grades (but he also asks others about their grades first and then he comes to me lastly so I don't know maybe he's curiuos about others' grades )

one time he had an opportunity to talk to me bc we were standing in line but he didn't (usually he asks me about my grades when we're standing and the girl that stands next to me then goes away)

1 y
but like he does this for while and then suddenly stops and then do it again , so I think it's more like give me attention kind of thing and he probably want to know if I still like him or not , he got the hint that I have a crush on him but he still didn't approach me right
Does he like me or is he acting like normal friends?
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