Is it a smart decision to buy a truck when we are facing eviction?

Creating this poll to show my husband.

Backstory: we just got evicted. Our landlord sold the property and the new owners gave us a 7 day notice to quit. We have until Friday to be out of here and we have absolutely nowhere to go. This came out of left field, as the landlord said we still had at least 6 months. So yes, we had been searching but we were only just told about him trying to sell not even 2 weeks ago so we haven't found shit.

We currently have one vehicle. A caravan with stow and go seating. We have 3 kids and almost $8k to spend on either a down payment for a new home OR a camper, which at this point seems more likely (we already have family who told us we can park a camper there and run electric until we find permanent housing).

My husband however, thinks that buying a truck right now that he found online for $2500 would be better because then we could "move all our shit in one go versus multiple trips" and has claimed that it would help us in the long run because then we would have two vehicles. We don't currently need two vehicles. We need a place to stay and I believe if he pays that much on a freaking truck that would cost $130 to fill right now is an absolutely stupid decision. School starts in 3 days. We need to figure out where we are going to enroll the kids in school, not worry about a truck.

Stupid decision to get a truck
Good idea
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Is it a smart decision to buy a truck when we are facing eviction?
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