So does a man not ask me out because he just simply doesn't like me as much as I like him or at all? Thoughts on this man?

I thought he liked me cause he gave me compliments like saying i must have tons if guys texting me and i must get tired of them and he also insinuated im smart. I always wondered of he was plain flattering me or if he really thoguht/meant that kinda stuff that he said. But he hasn't asked me out or made moves towards me and it has been a long time now and I am worried maybe this whole time i secretly loved him and he could tell and yet never liked me back just liked the idea that i was infatuated. And trust me i am not the only girl into him. He has that pete davidson effect. he's just sexy without really trying to be. I see many women how they act around him. They get get nervous, and give off signs that i can tell.. Heck i fell in love at first sight with him and soon after the strong lust for him came outta nowhere. He was just sitting there in front of me and i got a glimpse of his arm/elbow area and got physically turned on. You tell me how a mans elbow made my vagina aroused. YOU TELL ME. exactly. He just has IT. I know it and almost every other girl feels it. The funny part is there was one girl we work wth who i never saw her give off any hint she was at all interested and later i heard about how he asked her out (and got rejected apparently) and also he would gossip and sounded jealous of her and another guy we worked with dating each other. I remember thinking to myself why would he ask her out when it was clear to me she had no interest in him. I thoght it was random as hell that he would ask her out. I never sensed any chemistry between them or anything. I mean i knew he was a bit of a manwhore so he would sleep with anything probably (this is just my impression from how he talks about himself... Im not just sitting here judging ole man and making up stuff lol). So it wasn't surprising on his end but the fact he would go after someone not even into him was funny to me.

Maybe its true that men want who they can't have. 🤣
So does a man not ask me out because he just simply doesn't like me as much as I like him or at all? Thoughts on this man?
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