What to think about this Virgo man’behaviour?


I met a virgo guy lately (on a dating app).
there was instant chemistry between us and we kissed at the end of this rendez vous…

this guy has moved in the city quite recently, as a freelance and I know he is quite busy/stressed with his current situation.

We met back 1 week after and it was even more passionate …he said that I was makin him less in control with smile :) we kissed like 30 minutes before to go back home. He drank some alcool on this evening and when home he sent me « again lot of kisses 😘😘😘😘 ».

we talked a bit the next days.. I proposed him a cinema on WhatsApp for the next day, he read immediately but he didn’t reply.

I sent another message a few hours before the film (the next day) he didn’t open the message… (it was 2 days ago).

I noticed he was online several times during last days.. he finally read my message this morning when waking up. But still no message.

So what do you think?
is he afraid of our relationship because it’s getting maybe « fast »?
everything was passionate last time …I know he likes me. We had very nice conversations about different topics…

is it a Virgo thing to distance when it’s getting emotional?
What to think about this Virgo man’behaviour?
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