Whats the reason that makes women lose interest so fast and change gears?

Something i could never understand even after dozens of interactions with women, regardless of age it seems that a lot of women lose interest for no reason whatsoever it just happens, one moment they love you the second they dont.

i thought i was the only one struggling with this ( a girl would be all over me, texting, both showing interest in each other and all is good then she's gone) but turns out even my buddies are having the same problem, one in particular keeps telling me that no matter the amount or background of girls he meets, dates and goes out with it always ends the same, at some point she loses interest for no apparent reason (even after they've been dating and exlusive for a while ), after a great date he never hears from her again despite never actually doing anything to cause such a reaction.

and its not only with single dudes, a lot of taken girls seem to flirt, go out and do even more things with other guys ( me being one of the dudes that went out with taken girls ) .

we all lose interest its not that, its that its so sudden, so random and there is literally no reason for such a behaviour and the worst part is they blame it on the guy when the guy is not even sure what is going on.
Whats the reason that makes women lose interest so fast and change gears?
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