Do most guys wait for the "right moment" to ask a girl out and gain confidence to do so?

The guy I like became shy around me for unknown reasons. I think it's because his feelings became more serious than he expected them to be. I asked him out once but he turned me down because of stress of a new job. That was fair enough for me as he didn't want to hang out with his friends either.

A month later he wanted to go out but I left town for a while during my break from college and didn't tell him when I would be back so he freaked out and asked me on Facebook when I'll be back. It's been 3 months. My next break is coming up next week. I get the feeling he's ignoring me to gain confidence and wait for the right moment to ask me out.

Could this be the case?
Do most guys wait for the "right moment" to ask a girl out and gain confidence to do so?
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