Why do guys ignore their ex after breaking up?

After breaking up, my ex didn't unfriend me but he ignored all my texts, and finally it's me who block him. Why does he do that? If he doesn't need me anymore, why doesn't he unfriend me but just ignore? I hate the way he ignores me
+1 y
It wasn't me who broke up with him. I felt that he was trying to push me far away for some reasons, so I asked him if he wanted a breaking up and he agreed. But I still have feelings for him and I think he still has feelings for me. It's really hard for me to move on if I feel we still love each other, and I text him to ask does he love me anymore. If he doesn't love me, just tell me he doesn't love me and I will move on, never look back, but he says nothing at all
Why do guys ignore their ex after breaking up?
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