What is with this guy changing his whatsapp pic when I change mine... ?

We used to date and every time I change my pic ( I don't change it that often) but I've noticed when I do within a day he changes his too. It happens every time we fall out except this time it's over for good. There was times he didn't change his pic after me but that was when we had recently fell out and the pics wernt as nice. But recently it's every time, He even cuts the other person out of the pic so it's just a pic of him if I have a pic of just me. It's happened too many times to be a coincidence, I feel like he's Gona try and get back into my life soon and I can't wait to shut him down. I'm Gona have to try puting a pic with me and a friend to see if he changes his lol. I can't decide wether he's trying to tell me he likes my pic or wants me to know he's stalking.

Do guys actually do this? Lol
what can I do to test him I want to have fun with this :)
What is with this guy changing his whatsapp pic when I change mine... ?
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