How Straight Guys REALLY React When Seeing a Beautiful Woman

It's a common belief among women to think that men instantly get erections just from looking at a hot woman and while it might be true for some men, it's possible that erections happen because those guys are already thinking dirty things before even noticing the woman. It never ceases to amaze me how women refuse to believe most men don't get "horny" just from seeing a hot girl. Those women think they have us all figured out.

How Straight Guys REALLY React When Seeing a Beautiful Woman

Most of this attitude from the women who think this comes from their beliefs that women are superior to men. When we all know that no gender is superior to the other.

How Straight Guys REALLY React When Seeing a Beautiful Woman

What really happens is that we feel attraction to her, no sexual arousal. When we see a woman with a bare midriff our breathing pattern changes and our mind feels different; I can't explain it but it's not sexual arousal (i.e., getting a erection). We just say to ourselves. "Wow she is so beautiful".

How Straight Guys REALLY React When Seeing a Beautiful Woman

It's an inexplicable feeling. I'd like to say it's physical attraction, maybe sexual attraction or maybe both but it's not sexual arousal! If women are visual, then that's probably what they feel when they check out a man. That is, if women even check out men, unless women look at men in the same perspective us straight guys look at other guys. Women think they are more subtle when checking out men. Of course that's a stereotype.

How Straight Guys REALLY React When Seeing a Beautiful Woman

I'll be honest, I've seen some guys not being subtle when checking out women but not all guys are like that. I'm subtle when I check out women and my friends are subtle.

How Straight Guys REALLY React When Seeing a Beautiful Woman

I get it, us guys can find a woman physically attractive, sexually attractive and aesthetically appealing but women seem to only find a man sexually attractive and find women more aesthetically pleasing than men. However, when us straight guys see a random hot woman, it doesn't mean we want to have sex with her. We just feel attraction for her. Attraction and sexual arousal are two different things.

I don't know why a lot of women find it so hard to believe!

How Straight Guys REALLY React When Seeing a Beautiful Woman
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