Should I mention it to my girl friends, or keep it quiet?

I’ve decided after 4.5 years of being single and having loved and waited for a guy for 3 of those years who said he was a *Shy Guy* that was ‘Too Shy’ to make a move, that I’ve waited long enough. I’ve accepted an invitation to spend the night with a cute guy that was hitting on me online.

I’d like to tell my girl friends, but I’m part of a small community that gossips a lot. I feel that if I told them, word would spread like a rash that I’m sexually active. I worry about getting a reputation and I don’t like the idea of my female friends potentially using it against me. Telling future guys I might want a real relationship with, or just everyone discussing my business. Should I tell them, or tell no one?

Should I mention it to my girl friends, or keep it quiet?
Post Opinion