Why is it so hard for me to want to be with a good guy?

I got my heart broken and feelings hurt by a decent looking guy with a good job and financial stability.. what attracted me to him the most was his intelligence. I liked him so much just for him to be a jerk and treat me like nothing… it left me feeling shattered because he was like the first guy I really wanted to be with. I liked that I felt feminine with him and submissive

There’s a guy my mom wants me to meet and while I do think he’s nice looking and very kind. I’m just not attracted to him… I felt that he wasn’t a “man”… Or idk…

he said he hadn’t had a girlfriend since 2013, he works for city hall, he doesn’t really have a relationship with his siblings… I just felt turned off by him … and it’s not because of his looks etc but I’m just not attracted to him.

But ik he’s a good guy who would treat me right and our families want us to date very badly.
Why is it so hard for me to want to be with a good guy?
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