What does it mean if a girl is hesitant to do something alone with a guy?

A girl and I know each other for a few months. We have spent time together a few times already for an hour talking a lot and she always said yes, but we never did an activity with just us alone. We went out twice with her brother and a friend. But when I asked her to do something with just her alone, "going on a bike ride" she hesitated and said she doesn't know, she will see next week if she wants and just wants to relax a bit for now. Either that means she's not interested or she's too nervous to be with me alone, (possible sign of liking me and afraid to screw up) Which I don't think is the case, if she was into me she'd say yes to anything probably.

She gladly comes onto Discord to play games together and talk. For a bit of a background she always wears hoddies, even in summer and likes to stay at home when its too hot and rarely goes outside. Same goes actualy for me as I hate the heat.

What does it mean if a girl is hesitant to do something alone with a guy?
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