Did I ruin my chances?

Me and this girl was texting for a month let’s call her Sara- she’s a bit older than me, two years if that counts. We’ve went out, spent the night and had a great time. (Even met her dogs) Recently Sara joined this choir that I’m on and encouraged her to come. Sara and her friend joined yesterday. Let’s call her friend Abby.

I was joking - and approached them after practice. Opening my arms for a hug and straight up hugged Abby (we’re just acquaintances) first before even acknowledging Sara. Before I could even get to Sara she looked at me weird and shook her head before leaving. Once I got home she texted and told me it was best if we didn’t see each other again, because I acted weird towards her. I don’t understand what I did wrong?
4 d
I may have left out.. so as I was aiming to hug Sara who arms were open but made a b line to hug her friend first.
Did I ruin my chances?
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