If this is true, why do men still want relationships? And why are many men still in one?

Chris rock once said “ Only Women, children and dogs are loved unconditionally. A man is only loved under the condition that he provides something.

This is facts, nobody cares about men’s struggles, a man can’t cry without being called weak or soft. Nobody cares about men’s struggles. That’s why they’re self deleting at a rate 4, now it’s only 3 times as many. 75% men to 25% women) times that of women. Men don’t dare open up or show vulnerability to a partner because most women either use it as ammunition against them later, or in the best case scenario they subconsciously see it as weakness and lose attraction for him leading to the relationship ending. People brush that off as redpill nonsense, but it’s true in my own case as well as many others I’ve seen. Never be vulnerable with a woman you’re romantically involved with or the relationship will take a nose dive. I don’t believe this dynamic will ever change in my lifetime or even several generations more.

Even if SOME women are accepting enough to support a man in his vulnerability, it will take tremendous trust for him to really know for sure that she actually is such a woman. If he’s EVER gotten burned in the past, he likely will never open up again.
If this is true, why do men still want relationships? And why are many men still in one?
3 d
If women are so horrible, what is the point of men wanting to be with them? I need an explanation.
3 d
I honestly highly advise men to stay away from women. And, if you’re already in a relationship, end it now.
If this is true, why do men still want relationships? And why are many men still in one?
Post Opinion