Guy rejects me then texts me?

So this dude had a falling with me about a month ago, we went no contact for 3 weeks, then HE broke it, so I told him this:

"So I want to share my thoughts
I feel like we've been having a hard timd connecting lately, & I'm not really sure what's going on. I just hope you are more open to me about where you're at instead of leaving me to wonder & read between the lines. I think we're both adults & can handle having an honest conversation about this..

I think you're so sweet, & I do enjoy our connection. It's just that we've been talking for a couple of months now. & it's a little bit of a shame to jump into conclusion & throw our connection out the window simply because of the mixed signals - but I'm also left wondering whether I've done something to warrant this style of communication because it isn't fair. It seems a little disheartening

I haven't tried you for the past month because I thought you just pulled the brakes on whatever it is we have without even talking to me about it, but I clearly like you, or I wouldn't have wasted months believing there's potential that this might work because you never gave me a reason to believe otherwise until you straight up went ghost.

So for me, it seems like you're using me to entertain a dull day & that doesn't sit right with me because friendships or relationships shouldn't be that hard,& I simply find it rude to ghost those who we supposedly care about.

I want this to work because I genuinely care for you. I appreciate what we have, and I'll be there when you need me, but I also can't ignore the feeling that you might pull away again.

I'm just hoping we can be honest with each other, & not waste each other's time?"

He responded like that:
"You are right.
It’s a shitty thing to do to a friend.
I may take awhile to reply but I won’t drop the ball completely."

So I double tapped & left him alone.

Today he texts me:
"Hey ☺️!
Hope you're having a good weekend."

I don't understand. What does he want?
Guy rejects me then texts me?
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