Is my “friend” a true friend?

I’ve been friends with this girl for around about two years. We don’t meet up that often but along the way I’ve gotten the impression she is not really a true friend or gossips about me behind my back and I don’t 100% fully trust her.

- When I upload some instagram stories, for example I might upload 3/4 stories on one day and she will often view stories 1 and 2 and then react to them in a supportive way, but then click off them as if she doesn’t want to view the rest. I have noticed over the years she will do this often

- another time I went to the pub with her and she abandoned me on my own at a time in my life when I felt most vulnerable. I was in a toxic relationship and confiding to her about it and I’d had a few drinks so by this point I felt more vulnerable because I was telling her some quite intimidate details about my relationship and opening up to her and then all of a sudden she told me that she had to go and abandoned me on my own in a pub and I had to walk home on my own and didn’t feel safe

- I am in a friendship group it’s me and two other girls. When we are all together I’ve noticed she will hype up the other girl and comment on her appearance and then say to me “don’t you think Emily looks amazing this evening” but will completely ignore me and not say one thing about the way I look

- one time I met up with her for drinks, and she basically told me that she had matched with this guy on an online dating site and this guy said that he had matched with a girl who had the same name as me and who lived in my area and then got all weird and said I shouldn’t date him because he was already dating this girl called Gemma and that I shouldn’t waste time with him. I had no idea who this guy was and I never matched with him on a dating site

Is this friend a real friend or fake?

Is my “friend” a true friend?
Post Opinion