Do you think my friend was right about me being a jerk to my grieving coworker?

Okay so first I’ll say I’m not a mean person. I’m kind, caring and witty. I am uncomfortable with sadness and death. I feel really bad for her that her mother is dying but that’s her problem. That’s something she had to deal with. She was crying and my friend and her hugging and I stepped aside. I just turned away because I can’t deal with that. She said hi to me but I didn’t even bother to look at her. Sounds rude but it wasn’t in my place or my business to butt in. So I continued to talk to her about my great weekend. My friend told me off I could have been more sympathetic towards her. I mean I was. I gave her space, and when she was crying I just moved away from her. It was uncomfortable and work isn’t the right place to do it. Plus I’m not very close with her. It if was a close friend, I would give them a hug. Sounds mean but that’s who I am. If I don’t know you that well, I don’t wanna hear about your problems and I don’t care. I’m allowed to live my life and laugh with others. My coworker came in rage and slammed her bad on the table. None of us went near her and just continued to do what we did. We were at work so what said she expect?
She looked shocked when none of us asked what was wrong. I don’t want her snapping at me so that’s why I didn’t go near her. Don’t bring that anger towards us. We understand she is going though a very tough time but work isn’t the place to do that. We have work to do. Am I a jerk?
Do you think my friend was right about me being a jerk to my grieving coworker?
Post Opinion