Giving her space is the right thing to do?

So my girlfriend for a month (been talking since November). Been doing good for the most part. I sent most of last week at her place. Cause my job is close to her. Everything was good (called and texted everyday) until yesterday. Got into an disagreement cause I made a comment and she said, “all men are the same”. That triggered me because she say it to me a lot in a negative way. Wasn’t being disrespectful or anything. She abruptly ended the text convo. I texted her to see if the rest of her day was good after I finished a podcast. She hit me with a thumbs up emoji. I texted good morning today with no response. Called her 30 minutes after she got off, nothing. She called back 15 minutes later. She pretty much swept it under the rug and said everything was good. She also said that we don’t have to talk everyday. That’s why she didn’t respond. I asked if I could see her tonight. She usually says yes, but she said “you can’t wait until Sunday like we agreed upon?” I said not even for an hour. She then said that she’s going to be tired from apartment hunting and she’s just want to shower and relax.

I feel like she’s playing games with me. But I’m going to respect her wishes and give her space. Am I doing the right thing?

Giving her space is the right thing to do?
Post Opinion