Girls, did you wear heels on NYE? Did you keep them on all night?

Last night I couldn't believe how many girls were out without their shoes on. It seemed like everyone just forgot how to wear heels and ended up bare foot. Was it just me, or did this happen to anyone else?

Girls, did you wear heels on NYE? Did you keep them on all night?
Didn't go out on NYE this year
Went out but wore flats all night
Went out in heels, kept them on all night
Went out in heels, changed to flats on the way home
Went out in heels, went barefoot on the way home
Went out in heels, changed to flats partway through the night
Went out in heels, took them off partway through the night and went barefoot
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Girls, did you wear heels on NYE? Did you keep them on all night?
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