Why was she nice to me after I shouted at her boyfriend 👀👀?

At my work there is a lot of Eastern Europeans mainly polish and Romanians.

The polish are fine but the a lot of the Romanians just have no understanding of respect or decency. Some ares good people but the majority of them not so much unfortunately.

A lot of the men have no respect of women, especially British women. They think their women are property and the others are dumb sluts.

This one guy in particular loves to harass the English women at my work. It was usually me and another girl but now this girl has left he's focused most of his harassment on me and now elderly man at my work too.

I had enough of him today at work and I shouted "piss off, piss off. Your pathetic and I can't f****** stand you" . He walked off and said nothing are then sheltered "yeah carry on walking you p****"

Im actually a really quiet patient person so people at work know when I'm pissed.

He's been harassing me since day one and I'm pretty sure he abuses his girlfriend. He shouts at her and makes her cry when she talks to other men even if it's just about work, she's so beautiful and kind too I just don't understand why she's with him besides the fact they both immigrated together, he says disgusting things about women but she can't talk to anyone.

He's probably the most hated guy at work now after another Romain guy got fired.

I went on my lunch after I shouted at him and after she kept talking to me and helping me with my work.

I'm not sure if she trying to befriend me because she knows I'm not scared of her boyfriend and I will protect her.

He follows me around, interferes with my equipment, blocks me off in the corridors, makes strange noises around me, calls me sexist nicknames, tells me what to do etc.

1 y
by the way In my line of work I would completely get away with what I said
Why was she nice to me after I shouted at her boyfriend 👀👀?
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