If your friend fell asleep with her boobs out what would you do?

One time one of my friends fell asleep at her computer desk and her boobs were totally out and they were really big, I thought about waking her up or trying to cover them but I just left her like that. She woke up and didn't even realize it for a few minutes as she just walked around like that lol
+1 y
We were sharing the same room at the time and I didn't want to make her feel embarrassed, So I just let her stay like that. She woke up a couple hours later and put them away after realizing it and we had a laugh about it later but I could tell she was a bit embarrassed to know people seen her like that lol we had other roommates at the time so I wasn't the only one to see her like that lol
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I meant to say she probably didn't realize she fell asleep with her boobs out, She definitely realized it when she woke up lol
If your friend fell asleep with her boobs out what would you do?
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