8 Things Short People Will Understand

Disclamer: I'm not going to explain what is "short" or who qualifies as short because everyone has different standards. Someone that is 5'7 could declare them self short depending on their community and the society they live in.

#1. When a restaurant offers you a kids menu because you look "13".
8 Things Short People Will Understand

#2. Laundry...

8 Things Short People Will Understand

#3. When you find jeans that fit your waist and aren't too long.

8 Things Short People Will Understand

#4. When your friends say the words "lets go" and "amusement park".

8 Things Short People Will Understand

#5. Friends that think you are an arm rest.

8 Things Short People Will Understand

#6. When people say you're "short". Really? I never knew.

8 Things Short People Will Understand

#7. Weight

Lets say in the picture below they are both 130 pounds...

8 Things Short People Will Understand

#8. Kitchen shelves and cupboards become an obstacle course

8 Things Short People Will Understand

These are some of the ones I have experienced. If you consider yourself short, don't be too upset about the disadvantages.

8 Things Short People Will Understand
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