Things you should do before you die

My list is crazy and extremely long so I'll just post the normal ones lol

10. Learn another language

Things you should do before you die

9. Go to another country

Things you should do before you die

8. Read 100 books (or more ;)

Things you should do before you die

7. Learn how to play an instrument

Things you should do before you die

6. Eat a kilogram of food

Things you should do before you die

5. Get a dream body

Things you should do before you die

4. Do an extreme sport

Things you should do before you die

3. Change someone's life

Things you should do before you die

2. Leave a mark in this world

Things you should do before you die

1. Be happy

Things you should do before you die

Honorable Mentions

A. Forgiving

Things you should do before you die

So you can die in peace

B. Regret nothing

Things you should do before you die

So... what would you like to do before you leave this world?

Things you should do before you die
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