If you created your own ice cream what would you call it and what would be the mix-ins?

I would name this ice cream creation "Sublime Surrender"

If you created your own ice cream what would you call it and what would be the mix-ins?

as a metaphor for my heart, forever entwined in the service of my Mistress. The base of this ice cream would be a rich vanilla, symbolizing the depth and purity of my devotion. The raspberries on top mirror the pain I experience in her hands. The chocolate reminds me of the collar around my neck, while the pretzel's shape echoes the gags that silence my voice, leaving me to communicate solely through actions.

The fudge swirls represent the whip's intensity as it connects with my skin. There would be a layer of caramel-infused fudge chunks, suspended like my leather-bound body from the rafters. These marshmallow creme represents the withheld pleasure, the sweet reward doled out only at her discretion.

If you created your own ice cream what would you call it and what would be the mix-ins?
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