2 d

Girls, do you like or dislike pickup lines? Guys, do you give pickup lines?

What's the corniest one you've heard? Have you ever used a pickup line? What's the best pickup line you've used that worked?
Girls, do you like or dislike pickup lines? Guys, do you give pickup lines?
I dislike pickup lines
I like pickup lines only if it's from someone attractive
I like pickup lines
I like using pickup lines
I dislike using pickup lines
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1 d
I generally don't mind a pickup line if it's coming from someone I know, I'm attracted to the person, or if the delivery of said pickup line is done at the right time and it's not corny. Depends on my mood at the time. Generally I don't like pickup lines. There are other ways to break the ice which are more effective.
Girls, do you like or dislike pickup lines? Guys, do you give pickup lines?
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