What does it mean when a guy looks you up and down and then smiles?

We're in middle school. Ok, in class I was just standing there looking at stuff in the classroom. Then I had this tiny feeling that my guy friend was looking at me when I wasn't looking (sometimes I can feel it when someones looking at me in the corner in my eye). So, I looked at him to make sure that he was looking at me and he was. When I looked at him, he started to look me up and down and then he smiled. Then in a playfully mean way, I asked him what he was looking at, but he didn't say anything he just continued smiling (don't worry, we always be playfully mean to each other). A couple hours later in that class, I was walking to go get my paper off my desk. Then, my guy friend had bumped into me and then he just smiled and said sorry (I really don't know if he did that on purpose or not). So, what does it mean when a guy looks you up and down and then smiles?
What does it mean when a guy looks you up and down and then smiles?
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