Have you ever tried fake tanning?

I tried it two weeks ago. I think I will keep on using it during summertime because I just get sunburnt whenever I try to sunbathe, or worse, I just get farmer's tan. Some self-tanners might look patchy while fading though. I experienced it firsthand, and let me tell you... it made me look like I had some kind of a skin disorder. For that reason, I have recently switched to a cream-based product since sprays almost always look a bit mismatched, and you end up using more products than you need to get an even result. Anyway, I am planning to use it on the day before my graduation, so that I don't look washed-out in photos.

Yes, I have and will probably use them again.
Yes, I have, but I was not satisfied with the results.
No, but I might give it a try.
No, never.
Only if I could find one that would not make me look like a cheeto.
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Have you ever tried fake tanning?
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