Do you think people under the age of 18 should be allowed to get surgery for cosmetic reasons?

Cosmetic surgery means surgery that was not medically necessary but was done for beautification reasons.

I once saw this video on YouTube of minors getting cosmetic surgery because they were picked on at school by other people for having a big nose or big ears.

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Things like a cleft lips. Those are birth defects. Surgery to fix that would be considered medically necessary surgery. Cleft lips can cause people trouble eating and speaking. Surgery to fix a cleft lip is not cosmetic because it’s not for beautifying reasons.
An example of cosmetic surgery is something like a person has big ears that cause them no physical pain and no trouble hearing. Big ears may make them feel insecure but it’s cosmetic surgery if they want to get surgery to change it.
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If a person with big ears wants cosmetic surgery to make their ears look smaller or a person with a large forehead wants hairline lowering surgery that’s their choice but procedures like these aren’t medically necessary. Why?
Because having a large forehead or big ears doesn’t cause a person physical pain, struggle eating, struggle breathing and they should be able to walk and speak without trouble

Do you think people under the age of 18 should be allowed to get surgery for cosmetic reasons?
Post Opinion