What is your opinion about woman with tattoos?

I want to know what men's or women's opinions of women with a large number of tattoos are. I love expressing myself with tattoos, I have my arms done and some on my legs and back but I have no plans to get anything on my neck or face for professional reasons, and my fiance is all for it, he also loves tattoos!

Do you have no issues being with someone with multiple tattoos? Or do you personally prefer people with a few or even no tattoos?
I just want to know people's opinions! I've met men in the past who found me to be "too masculine" for having a bunch of arm tatties.

7 d
Just wanted to state this is a free zone for opinions! I don't care what people think about tattoos. Just don't degrade and harass other people for their own opinions.
What is your opinion about woman with tattoos?
Post Opinion