How to make my makeup last longer and look smooth all day?

If there’s any makeup artists or enthusiasts here I’d love to get your advice. I have combo skin and noticeable pores, and these are some issues I have with my makeup:

1. even tho I use pore primers and they work okay at first, I feel like by the 3-4 hour mark my pores look enhanced.
2. My makeup seems to not settle in my skin properly- on some area I can see patchiness and when I blot my face there’s a lot of foundation coming off.
4. Sometimes my skin tends to be extra oily and my makeup doesn’t look nice and fresh for long. After 3 hours or so, my skin looks like I’ve had makeup on for a whole day.

I use setting spray before and after foundation application and I apply loose powder to set. Maybe my techniques are wrong. Any tips or even product recommendations will be appreciated 😊

How to make my makeup last longer and look smooth all day?
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