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Polls: Family & Friends

What do you think of rollercoasters? Do you like them or do you find them scary? Or does it make you feel nauseous?

I really like them, but my friend doesn't like them. He said that rollercoasters make him sick easily. I was first thinking that some people are scared of rollercoasters, but I found out that is really a thing that some...
I really like them, but my friend doesn't like them. He said that rollercoasters make him sick easily. I was first thinking that some people are scared of rollercoasters, but I found Show More
I like them!
I am afraid of rollercoasters.
It makes me sick.
Other opinion? Tell me below!
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If you found out you're adopted and your bio mother tried to finish you (as a baby) off would you confront her?

Scenario: You're 11 months old and your bio mother (a single mother) snatches you, throws you off the balcony from the 7th floor so she can ran off with her lover but you land between a patch of mulch and grass. Somehow...
Scenario: You're 11 months old and your bio mother (a single mother) snatches you, throws you off the balcony from the 7th floor so she can ran off with her lover but you land between Show More
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Would you prefer your firstborn child to be male or female? Why?

Obviously, there are benefits either way and it's not like you can pick (just influence).
Obviously, there are benefits either way and it's not like you can pick (just influence). Show More
A boy
A girl
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Pregnant at 17 knowing you will be a single mother, would you?

Say u get pregnant at 17 and the partner has fcked off.. u now have to be a single mother who is still living with parents and has no income What would be the ideal thing to do?
Say u get pregnant at 17 and the partner has fcked off.. u now have to be a single mother who is still living with parents and has no income What would be the ideal thing to do? Show More
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Zero nicknames, only their name
One or only few
Quite a bunch
Too many that I can't even count
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Is intelligence important in a close friendship?

Could you actually be close friends with someone you find not that smart or are all of your close friends roughly as smart as you are?
Could you actually be close friends with someone you find not that smart or are all of your close friends roughly as smart as you are? Show More
I can be best friends with anyone
As long as they're not completely stupid is fine
They have to be as smart
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Do you get along better with your brother (s) or sister (s)?

Do you get along better with your brother/s/sister/s? Why do you think that is?
Do you get along better with your brother/s/sister/s? Why do you think that is? Show More
I'm an only child
I'm a guy, I get along better with my brother(s)
I'm a guy, I get along better with my sister(s)
I'm a girl, I get along better with my sister(s)
I'm a girl, I get along better with my brother(s)
I get along really well with both my brothers/sisters OR I only have one brother/sister whom I get along well with
I don't get along with my sibling(s)
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Are you the black sheep of your family?

Being the black sheep of the family means that you are different from the rest of your relatives, and often feel misunderstood, rejected, or ignored by them. You may have different values, beliefs, interests, or goals...
Being the black sheep of the family means that you are different from the rest of your relatives, and often feel misunderstood, rejected, or ignored by them. You may have different Show More
I fit in pretty well with my family
I'm the black sheep
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How does your own childhood impact your desire to have kids?

Two main questions: do you want kids and how happy was your childhood? I'm curious to know if there's anybody who had a bad childhood experience and still want to have children?
Two main questions: do you want kids and how happy was your childhood? I'm curious to know if there's anybody who had a bad childhood experience and still want to have children? Show More
I had a happy childhood and want kids
I had a happy childhood and DON'T want kids
I had a bad childhood and sitll want kids
I had a bad childhood and DON'T want kids
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Societal chaos
Bad parenting
Bad jobs
People don't care anymore
People love living at home
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if yes what did they do. ? Show More
Yes (I have had 1)
No (I have good siblings)
Only child (results please
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When do you disconnect from friends if they continually create drama?

Lets say they are doing something wrong... they know it... even know why... but they won't stop. You've listened, explained, coached, guided, supported... they get counseling even and that has not progressed them. The...
Lets say they are doing something wrong... they know it... even know why... but they won't stop. You've listened, explained, coached, guided, supported... they get counseling even and Show More
I stay a committed friend since we get along, nobody is perfect
Leave - wasting time if they are drama generators
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Guys who play dnd and love Star Wars and Japanese food, which would you rather get as gift?

My friend and her brother are having a shared birthday party. I know what to get my friend, but I’m having trouble with figuring out what to get my friends brother. He doesn’t have a lot of extra time due to work, but...
My friend and her brother are having a shared birthday party. I know what to get my friend, but I’m having trouble with figuring out what to get my friends brother. He doesn’t have a Show More
A dnd cookbook
Light up lightsaber chopsticks
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Yes she is
No she is not
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If a long-term male friend hangs out with me just to try getting a date or laid isn't that using people too?

I consider using people any time you're dishonest about your intention or lie your way through to try obtain anything from that unsuspecting person. This has already happened twice with 2 different male friends I've known...
I consider using people any time you're dishonest about your intention or lie your way through to try obtain anything from that unsuspecting person. This has already happened twice Show More
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Yes :(
Nope! :)
Where can I get that book? My child is stupid.
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Should I pay her bond?

So I told a 15 year old who is like a little sister to me that I would pay her bond .. when I was at work she pissed me off.. here here a little back story : she is a spoil brat and if she doesn't get her way she...
So I told a 15 year old who is like a little sister to me that I would pay her bond .. when I was at work she pissed me off.. here here a little back story : she is a spoil Show More
Yes pay for it
No don't
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Is this baby crab the cutest of all?

Can't get much more adorable than a crab... What an amazing little creature.
Can't get much more adorable than a crab... What an amazing little creature. Show More
The cutest!
Adorable, but there's cuter
Im feelin' crabby...
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